My special friend Arvind

Created by pethump03 11 years ago
I was Arvinds school bus escort . We first met when he was five years old, a quite, shy little boy or so i thought !! We soon became friends and i soon realised he was very special, he wasnt so shy or quite, he was quite a character. As Shushma has already mentioned Arvinds love of food, i can remember an early conversation about what i was having for dinner = sausage and mash, Arvind was having tandoori chicken so i joked i was coming to his house for dinner. As soon as we arrived at his home he announced to his mummy that i was coming for dinner !!mum immediately said i was very welcome, i explained i had been joking. anyway later that evening Shushma arrived at my house with tandoori chicken for me ;-) Arvind always wanted me have some of mummys food as she was the best cook!! I feel blessed to have known and been a little part of this special young mans life. Arvind was always kind , caring ,polite,understanding,inspirational and HAPPY !!! if ever i feel a bit low i think of my special friend and how he dealt with life , i soon realise i have nothing to feel low about. Arvind never complained ,he just got on with things. I spent alot of time at the hospital towards the end of his life and people said how can you spend so much time at the hospital it must be so depressing , well no it wasnt . I always got a lovely smile when i arrived and he was genuinely pleased to see me , we spent a few hours just the two of us when his family were in meetings with doctors etc and even if he wasnt up to talking his eyes would shine and we were just comfortable in each others company,we didnt need words . I have some lovely photos of Arvind including a canvas with a photo of us taken at his dads birthday party & a lovely collage which i also received as a gift. I dont NEED the photos to remind me, as Arvind has a place in my heart forever. I think about him and his lovely family often , and im ashamed to say i dont keep in touch as often as i should , but they are never far from my thoughts and i often talk about arvind. Rest in Peace Arvind until we meet again, all my love and hugs, pet xxxx